CURLS Spot - Keep Updated on the Latest in Quality Curly Hair Care!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Curly Q's Products Get a New Magical Look!

Check out the new Curly Q's Packaging!

We felt it was time to give the ever so popular kid's line a new look! The result is absolutely ADORABLE!

Check out the head of curly ringlets on both the girl and boy! That's right...curly boys are now represented too!

Let us know what you think!


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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:11 PM  

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    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 3:09 AM  

  • The new packages came at the right time! My soon-4-year-old daughter is just going through the "princess stage" and was much delighted when new bottle arrived!!! "It's made for princessess!"
    But more important is what's inside... I'm so happy I've found Your products. Here is difficult to find any proper haircare product for our finnish-african princessess. After founding Curly-Q's me and my husband are bursting with pride when people come telling us how beautiful hair our daughters have! The girls are too small to care about the looks but what matters to them is the painlesness - there's so much less tears...
    Thank You! Bless!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1:34 AM  

  • Question? How do you handle naturally hair using a water softner. I Recently married and the house we live in has a water softner my hair has not looked good sense. I have never tried the product but could give it a try. St Louis Missouri

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:23 AM  

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