CURLS Spot - Keep Updated on the Latest in Quality Curly Hair Care!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Introducing Our Very Own Curly Q Princess - Farah

Check Out Our Curly Q Fan of the Month!

Isn't she just DELICIOUSLY cute??

Farah is a free-spirited 4 yr old who enjoys arts and crafts, making silly faces for the camera and playing dress-up. During her down time, she loves to play computer games and occasionally delights in tormenting her big brotherJ. After a good game of ‘tickle monster’ (daddy), she likes to wind down with a good book to be read before going to bed.


Dear Curly Q’s:

I am an African-American Mother with a multi-racial princess, who just wanted to say thank you for your hair care products. I’ve been using Curly Q’s for about a month now, and I am so tremendously pleased with my daughter’s hair results. I use to use other products that weighed her hair down with either too much oil or not enough moisture (depending on which one I used for that day), as these products were not specifically design for her hair type. Out of the Curly Q’s Products I use (Hydrating Shampoo and Coconut Dream Conditioner…these I love), I find that the Moist Curls Moisturizer and Curly Q’s Lotion works great and give me the look I want and feel for her hair. I’ll be soon adding your Pure Pomegranate Seed Oil Blend and Curly Q Princess Glaze to my regime with my next order. As soon as my other baby girl grows some hair (she’s only three months old now), she’ll be next in line to use them after her big sister. Thanks again for all of your help!

Best & Kindest Regards!

Dawn de la Rosa


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